June 22, 2009


So, I never, and I mean NEVER, get uber excited for a date, let alone a blind date with guys I meet on dating websites...cuz let's just say, my experience with them is less than stellar and all the guys on them seem to be pathetic, lonely and clingy.
I mean, I know of a couple success stories, but I have had yet to believe in the myths told to me on occasion. Up until now, I have been on these sites strictly for a couple dating experiences, maybe a good makeout session and definitely a fabulous story (usually at my own expense). It has never amounted to much - let alone worth more than a 2nd or 3rd date...But, now I may have to truly suck it up and realize it brought me along to a fabulous man.
He's the Shark, an attorney, and he is magnificent in every way of the word...OK, maybe I'm getting ahead of myself - because it has only been ONE date...But, I can not stop thinking, talking, daydreaming of him. It seriously is a problem and is starting to interrupt my productivity at work (Well, who am I fooling? I don't really apply myself there anyway lately because it's less than fulfilling. Thoughts of the Shark just make the day move a little faster.).
He is unbelievably sexy - strong hands (you know what I'm talking about), gorgeous eyes you could swim in, hair that just asks to be grabbed, a physique that I'm sure can prove itself in more ways than one, brains that actually challenge me, opinions that make me think and a sincerity and honesty that is rarely found anymore these days. UGH!!
This is not me, this is not how I act...I need to simmer down and see what happens - but let's just say, for now...I'm in this lovely state of euphoria that I just want to hold onto for a little longer before the "real" Shark emerges.

June 11, 2009

Letting Go and Moving On...

How do you let go?
It's not a fun thing to do, especially when the person involved hasn't really done anything "wrong"...he just won't step up to the plate.
After giving Smoking Jacket one too many times to make it right, I have been finding ways to let myself let him go and how to let him down gently. It won't be pretty. It won't be easy. I still care for him, as he does me...but if it's not going to go anywhere, why should I stay? Purely for the physical connection, the chemistry, the sexual tension? That would have been enough six months ago, but now I'm seeing other opportunities pass me by and he's given me no reason to hold out any longer.
So, I have begun the "process," as I like to call it.
I threw out the ultimatum (if I can just keep my word), "Commit to me. Not marriage, but a commitment beyond 'dating'" In response, I got an "I love you." I don't believe that answers the question and now it is "go" time.
I am seeking out
new opportunities, greener pastures and brighter horizons...I'm moving on and there is a date in my near future with a very fine gentleman that I will refer to as "Spartan."
More to come..."

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