February 23, 2010

i know...it's been a while...

...And soooo much has happened!
After truly giving up on the whole dating scene and running my head into a brick wall at every turn, love happened.
No, really...it did.
Yeah, I know. Cliched, right? Like, there is NO WAY this actually happens to real people, especially people like me! But, I am here to say it does in the most unexpected, oddest, strangest and hilarious ways.
In may case, it goes a bit like this...
I work with a friend who dates a girl who has a brother who briefly meets me over a holiday weekend. He then contacts me via his sister's Facebook IM to carry on a month or so long convo that FINALLY turns into an actual face-to-face 'meeting' (a.k.a. date, but we don't want to call it a date) and end up talking until 3:30 in the morning and I have to wake up 2-1/2 hours later for work the next morning...yeah, let that swirl around in your mouth for a bit and digest it.
It has literally been a crazy whirlwind ever since that night (Oct. 22nd, 2009 to be exact)...So, let me breathe, gather my thoughts and share with you some crazy happenings that have occurred since then and what will surely come in the coming months.
Many more blogs to come.

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